Sibbe Live!: Pauli Lyytinen Machinery

Pauli Lyytinen, saxophones
In his solo project Machinery (2012-), saxophonist Pauli Lyytinen takes his instrument to the extreme. In his hands, the saxophone is at once a bass, a harmonica and a solisitic instrument, often also a rhythmic element. Machinery takes both the player and the instrument a step further. This time Lyytinen is alone, but still conjures up whole musical worlds, sometimes interspersed with effects, sometimes entirely acoustic.
Pauli Lyytinen is a versatile musician and composer, working in particular with jazz, experimental, electro-acoustic and contemporary music. Lyytinen’s most active own ensembles are Elifantree, Pauli Lyytinen Magnetia Orkesteri, Pauli Lyytinen Machinery, Pauli Lyytinen & Niillas Holmberg, Sole Azul and Pauli Lyytinen Rabbit Hole (fi/no/ch), in addition to which he contributes to ensembles such as Raoul Björkenheim eCsTaSy and Anni Elif – Edith.
“Lyytinen’s playing has such liveliness and class that you can listen to him for all evening without getting bored for a moment.” – Written in Music