Summer Sibelius 5

During the 2023 summer our museum comes to life on weekends with live music in the Sibelius Hall. With this, we wish to provide a possibility to experience our exhibitions a bit differently. Naturally, you may also have a seat in the concert hall and just enjoy the music.
Summer Sibelius is a collaborative project between the Sibelius Museum and the Turku Arts Academy where music students perform music by Jean Sibelius during short pop-up concerts.
The Summer Sibelius concerts are included in the admission price.
On the first weekend in August we will hear pianist Kaisa Kaartinen.
Jean Sibelius:
Sonatina nro 1, Op. 67
I Allegro
II Largo
III Allegro moderato
5 Characteristic impressions, Op. 103
No. 3 The Oarsman
No. 4 The Storm
No. 5 In Mournful Mood

Kaisa Kaartinen (b. 2002) started playing the piano at the age of seven in her hometown of Perniö. Soon, however, she moved to Halikko to study under Mirva Pasma, where she stayed for almost ten years. Kaisa’s studies went through the Turku Conservatory and she is currently studying at Turku University of Applied Sciences with Eveliina Kytömäki as her teacher. Kaisa has sought more experience and learning from piano competitions and master classes all over Finland. This spring she was awarded a prize at the Pianoaura competition and performed as a soloist with the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra.
Summer Sibelius 2023:
1.-2.7. Niilo Autio, piano
8.-9.7. Josefin Kavén, piano
15.-16.7. Josefin Kavén, piano
22.-23.7. BREAK
29.-30.7. Kaisa Kaartinen, piano
5.-6.8. Kaisa Kaartinen, piano
12.-13.8. Emilia Sohlberg, violin and Niilo Autio, piano
19.-20.8. Riika Heikkilä, piano
26.-27.8. Riika Heikkilä, piano
We invite you to enjoy summery music in the Sibelius Hall of the museum!